Make a difference in our community today. 

Friends of the Schroon Lake Farmers Market is a 501c-3 non-profit for the purpose of supporting the Schroon Lake Farmers Market and it’s programs and activities that are dedicated to contributing to our community. We host FREE fun and educational activities for kids weekly at our Farmers Market, sponsor local families in need to shop at our Farmers Market and support our local musicians that play at the Market each week.

Funding at any level helps us to achieve our goals.
Checks can be made out to Friends of the Schroon Lake Farmers Market
PO Box 121, Schroon Lake NY 12870

Donate today!

Friends of the Schroon Lake Farmers Market is a 501(c)(3) organization, all donations are tax deductible.

Make a donation of $50 or more and receive a free Schroon Lake engraved paring knife, perfect for your farmers market produce 🥒🍎🥕

This Farmers Market started from a seed of hope to create positive change. Our hope is that that all members of our community will have access to fresh, local, and high quality food, those who live here, work here, vacation here and everyone in between will find something for them at the Schroon Lake Farmers Market, and that we can continue to foster a space for fun, education, experiences, and most importantly - good food!!!
In a small town with a lot of heart, in a county where there is above average growth of independent farms, there are important conversations to join in on. Conversations surrounding what it means to be a farmer, to steward the land, the animals, the crops. What it means to be an independent business. What it means to live in the Adirondacks. For us, the Schroon Lake Farmers Market is a place where we can come together to share our stories and learn about our neighbors.

Thank you. Your contributions help to support a vibrant Farmers Market and community!

Our Friends

Jennifer Amstutz
Thomas Arnett
AnnMary Baker
Mackenzie Beasley
Douglas Bleier
Dasha Buduchina
Wei En Chan
Bob & Jane Claus
Tom & Michele Conners
Denise and Tim Conway
Laurie Edelman
Teanna Fullen
Louise Gosnell
John & Dolores Granito
The Hagreen Family
Nancy Herrmann
Lee Emrich & Rebecca Hogue
Emily Hicklin
Pam & Scott Ireland
Corey Janus
Dieter & Mary Kemmerich

Dempsey King
Joy & Bob Koch
Peter and Ruth Kouides
Keith Koslov
The Lauber Family
Jean Lammie
Joan Lawless
Beth Massiano
Angie Mead
Alison & Brian Offerman-Celentano
Gale & David Pearl
Randall & Barb Perry
JoAnne Piterniak
Liz & Larry Reid
The Ryans
Mike & Bunnie Savino
Lynn Scudieri
Katie Springer
Joseph Steiniger
The Tribou’s
Arianna Wagar